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chocolate mug cake recipe

Chocolate Mug Cake

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  • Author: Elyse Villa


This chocolate and peanut butter mug cake can be thrown together in 5 minutes and scratches the dessert itch without needing to turn on your oven.



3T all purpose flour

2T cocoa powder

3T granulated sugar

1/2t baking powder

pinch of salt

3T whole milk

3T canola oil (or vegetable oil)

1t vanilla extract

2T semisweet chocolate chips

1/2T (or 1 1/2t) smooth peanut butter


Find a mug that holds 10-12oz. To make sure, try filling it with 1.5C of water. If you succeed, you have your mug!

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and salt.

Add the milk, oil, and vanilla to the bowl and whisk to combine.

Add the chocolate chips and gently mix in. Pour the batter into your mug.

Plop your scoop of peanut butter into the center of your mug and microwave it for 60-90 seconds. 75 seconds tends to work great for me. It keeps things fudgy while holding together, but every microwave is different, so keep an eye on it.


  • Serving Size: 1 mug