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Garlic Dinner Rolls

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  • Author: Elyse Villa
  • Yield: 12 rolls 1x


Pillowy, buttery, garlicy…truly, what could be better? I’m making these an official food group in the Elyse Creates household



For the rolls:

  • 150g whole milk, warm
  • 40g water, warm
  • 2T granulated sugar
  • 1 packet of active dry yeast (about 2 1/4t)
  • 250g bread flour
  • 110g all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2t kosher salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 60g unsalted butter, room temperature
  • neutral oil (like canola or veg.) for coating the bowl
  • 1 egg beaten with a splash of water for the egg wash

For the garlic butter:

  • 5T unsalted butter, softened
  • 3 cloves of garlic, grated or finely minced
  • 1T parsley, finely chopped
  • 1/2t salt + coarse salt for finishing


  1. Combine the warm milk, warm water, 1T of the sugar, and yeast. Leave it to activate for about 3 minutes while you measure out everything else.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, add the flours, remaining 1T of sugar, salt, egg, and butter. Using the dough hook, give it a short mix on low, just to make sure flour doesn’t fly when you turn up the speed. Pour in the yeast/milk mixture and turn up the speed to medium-high. After a minute, turn off the mixer and encourage the flour that has been pushed to the sides into the middle.
  3. Turn the mixer back onto medium-high and leave it going for 10 – 15 minute. I mean it. Set a timer. This is a sticky dough, so it might not fully pull away from the sides, but by the end of the timer you’ll get a nice slapping sound against the side of the bowl, and the dough will have formed a satisfyingly sticky ball.
  4. Gently plop your dough ball into a large oiled bowl. Any bits that have stuck to the side of your mixer can be scraped with a rubber spatula and popped on top of the ball. Rub the top and sides of the dough with oil as well.
  5. Cover with plastic wrap or a clean kitchen towel. Allow to rise in a warm spot for 1hr – 1:30, or until it has doubled in size.
  6. Thoroughly butter a 9 x 13 lasagna pan. On a lightly floured surface, dump the dough out, roughly form it into a rectangle and cut into 12 even pieces. They should be 55g each.
  7. To shape, gently bring the edges into the middle and pinch together to form a dumpling-esque shape. Place it, pinched side down, on your surface and with your hand in a ‘C’ shape around the dough, gently circle your hand to better seal the bottom and create a tighter top. Place in the pan about an inch and a half apart. Cover in plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and let rise again for about an hour.
  8. When there is about 15 minutes left in the rise, preheat your oven to 375F. Brush egg wash on the rolls and when your oven is preheated pop the pan in for 15 – 18 min, or until beautifully golden brown. (At the 8 minute mark, I give the pan a turn to encourage even browning.)
  9. While the rolls bake, make the garlic butter: Combine the butter, garlic, parsley, and salt in a bowl. Mix until there are no large clumps of butter left and the parsley looks evenly distributed.
  10. Once the rolls are out of the oven, and still hot, brush on the garlic butter. Every roll gets two passes of the butter. (More if you’re feeling spicy.) There will still be plenty of garlic butter left, so feel free to store it in the refrigerator to slather on roasted potatoes at a later date.
  11. Sprinkle on some coarse salt to finish and enjoy warm!