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flour tortillas

Flour Tortillas

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  • Author: Elyse Villa
  • Yield: 10 1x


They are a classic for a reason. Tasty and ultra-pliable, these tortillas are wonderful fresh and also make for some killer chips when fried.


  • 2C + 1T all-purpose flour + more to flour your work surface
  • 1t baking powder
  • 1/2t kosher salt
  • 1/4C lard
  • 3/4C hot water


  1. In a microwave-safe bowl, or in a saucepan, melt the lard until liquid. Double-check that you still have 1/4C.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together 2C flour, baking powder, and salt. Create a well in the center and pour the melted lard in. Slowly begin to mix with a spatula until combined. The mixture should still look dry but have tiny lard pebbles throughout.
  3. Add the hot water and begin to mix. (I tend to start with the spatula and then get in there with my hands to ensure the flour is completely hydrated.
  4. If your dough feels too wet (ie isn’t able to hold together or seems soupy) Add a little more flour. I tend to need about an additional 1/2 tablespoon. Cover your dough with a clean dishtowel and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  5. Dump the dough onto a well-floured surface, Portion out 10 balls.
  6. Heat your comal, griddle, or pan to medium-high—lightly spray with cooking spray. Flour a rolling pin and working one at a time, roll out your balls into very thin rounds—moving them around often to avoid sticking.
  7. Working two at a time, (you can do more if you have the space for it) transfer to the griddle. Cook for about 30 seconds then flip. Cook the second side for about 45 seconds, or until you see the edges drying and flip again. This part is magic. The tortilla will start to puff up in certain spots, which gives them those perfect blisters. Cook until you are happy with the depth of color on those blistered bits. (For me, it’s about a minute, but it all depends on how hot your surface gets and personal preference. Use the first one as a tester.)
  8. Keep your tortillas warm and steaming by wrapping them in a towel, covering the top of the tortillas after every addition.