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coffee cream puffs

Lavender Latte Cream Puffs

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  • Author: Elyse Villa
  • Yield: 12 cream puffs 1x


We’re taking a classic lavender latte and turning it into a pastry for a truly caffeinated treat.



For the pate a choux:

  • 16oz (460g) water
  • Pinch of salt
  • 230g unsalted butter, cubed
  • 227g bread flour
  • 450g eggs

For the cookies:

  • 70g all-purpose flour
  • 15g almond flour
  • 30g brown sugar
  • 60g unsalted butter, cubed and cold

For the coffee pastry cream:

  • 455g whole milk
  • 115g granulated sugar
  • 45g unsalted butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 45g corn starch
  • 170g eggs
  • ½ a vanilla bean
  • 35g cold brew concentrate
  • 2t fine ground coffee

For the lavender chantilly cream:

  • 250g heavy cream
  • 1 ½t dried (culinary grade) lavender
  • 30g sugar
  • 1t vanilla extract


Make the cookies:

  1. In a large bowl, mix the flour, almond flour, and brown sugar together, taking care to break up any lumps. Add the cold, cubed butter and begin working it through the dry ingredients—pinching the butter, and squeezing and flattening the mixture until you have a crumbly dough and the butter is barely visible.
  2. Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper until it starts to feel soft. Then, transfer the dough to the freezer to harden up—maybe 20 minutes. Bring it out and roll the dough to about a ¼ inch thick. Pop it in the freezer to firm up again before cutting out your cookies with a 2 inch. These can be stored in the freezer until ready to use, so I like to make them the night before. Just place the cutout cookies between parchment and wrap them in a freezer-safe bag.

Make the coffee pastry cream:

  1. In a saucepan, combine 342g milk, 57g sugar, the butter, and salt. Heat over medium heat, stirring often, and bringing the mixture to a boil.
  2. At the same time, in a medium bowl, combine the cornstarch with the rest of the sugar. Slowly stream in the remaining milk while whisking it into the cornstarch mixture. Whisk in the eggs and vanilla until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Now it’s time to temper the eggs. Add about ⅓ of the hot milk mixture to the eggs, whisking constantly to bring the eggs up to temperature. Then, add the eggs to the saucepan. Continue whisking vigorously until the pastry cream boils, begins to thicken, and the whisk leaves a trail.
  4. Make an ice bath by throwing some ice and water into a large bowl and setting a slightly smaller bowl in it. Pour the pastry cream into the bowl and whisk in the cold brew concentrate and ground coffee until everything is evenly incorporated and the cream is cooled.
  5. Cover in plastic and pop it in the fridge until ready to use. Make sure the plastic wrap is touching the cream so a film doesn’t form.

Make the pate a choux:

  1. In a saucepan, bring the water, salt, and butter to a boil over medium heat, making sure the butter is completely melted. Add the bread flour all at once and whisk constantly to combine. Continue whisking until the mixture forms a mass and pulls away from the pan.
  2. Preheat your oven to 400F
  3. Transfer to a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Beat for a couple of minutes on medium to release some of the heat. Then, slowly begin adding the eggs. Be patient and careful here as you might not need to add all the eggs. With each addition, check the consistency of the dough. It should be firm enough to pipe and have a pearly sheen. (I tend to use about 90% of the eggs listed, but it will range depending on the protein content of your flour.)
  4. You’re ready to pipe (or scoop)! Take out your cookies from the freezer/fridge and line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Scoop your dough with an ice cream scoop, leaving about 2 inches apart. You can also pipe your choux pastry, using a large tip (like a #5), and smoothing out the top with a wet finger.
  5. Top your choux with a cookie and pop them into the stove. Immediately lower the temperature of your oven to 360F. Bake for about 50min, or until the top is crispy and golden and the pastry is dried out. Let them cool on a rack.

Make the chantilly cream:

  1. Heat the cream and lavender over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and let the lavender steep for 20-30 minutes. Strain out the lavender and put the cream in the fridge until cold.
  2. Put the cold cream in the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the whisk attachment. Whisk the cream on medium speed until thickened. Add the sugar and vanilla. Continue to whisk until fluffy. Once it thickens, keep an eye on it, as it’s easy to over mix—leading to a chunky soupy mess…not fun. 
  3. Carefully cut off the top of a pastry. Fill with the coffee cream, and pipe the lavender chantilly cream on top, finishing by putting its teeny hat back on. If you want to get some added presentation points, feel free to dust with powdered sugar or a drizzle of dark chocolate.