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Pink Peppercorn Punch

Pink Peppercorn Punch

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  • Author: Elyse Villa


  • 1 bottle of rosé (750ml), chilled
  • 8oz gin
  • 3oz elderflower liqueur
  • 3.5oz pink peppercorn syrup (recipe below)
  • 12oz grapefruit soda, chilled
  • Chopped fruit like strawberries and nectarines (optional)

For the pink peppercorn syrup:

  • 1/2C granulated sugar
  • 1/2C water
  • 1T pink peppercorns


  1. Make the syrup: In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, water, and peppercorns over medium heat. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Take off the heat and use the back of a spoon to crack a couple of peppercorns. Let sit for 20 minutes to steep and cool. Strain out the peppercorns and set aside.
  2. Make the cocktail: In a pitcher, combine the gin, elderflower, and pink peppercorn syrup.
  3. Add the rosé and stir until combined. Top with grapefruit soda and stir. Add some chopped-up fruit if desired and stir.