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Miso caramel on a cake

Derailed by Caramel – A Love Story

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  • Author: Elyse Villa
  • Yield: 1 cup of caramel 1x


Sweet, salty, and ridiculously rich, this miso caramel sauce has it all!


  • 3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Unsalted Butter, cubed
  • 1/2 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 2 Tablespoons White Miso
  • Kosher salt to taste – optional


  1. Add the sugar to a saucepan in an even layer. Turn the heat to medium and allow it to sit undisturbed (I mean it, don’t stir) until you notice melting and light caramelization around the edges. 
  2. Gently swirl the pan—and avoid keeping it on any hot spots, so the sugar heats evenly. Once you notice melting throughout and an even amber color, take the sugar off the heat.
  3. Carefully whisk in your butter and heavy cream. There will be some sputtering and steaming, but this is totally normal (just don’t go sticking your face in front of the pan).
  4. Add the miso and whisk vigorously to incorporate.
  5. Let cool completely before storing it in the refrigerator.